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Glass Buildings
Glass Buildings

City Cleaning Contractors

Medical Grade Deep Clean

Fogging -

Fogging has proven to be one of the most effective methods of ensuring any area has been fully disinfected against viruses and bacteria.

With the forecast that COVID-19 will be with us for a long time, fogging is the only way of thoroughly de-contaminating all types of premises including offices, shops, hotels, holiday accommodation, schools, hospitals, surgeries, cinemas, theatres, churches, leisure centres, sports facilities etc as well as transport vehicles including trucks, coaches, taxis, trains, aircraft and ships.

Steam Cleaning -

We use a portable medical grade steam cleaning machine which has been designed and built specifically for the health industry.

Surfaces are left dry after cleaning thanks to the machine's integral vacuum system. Destroying bacteria, it has also been certified in removing super bugs – including MRSA. 


To our current clients - you will already know that at City Cleaning Contractors we take our responsibilities very seriously, and to that end we have put certain procedures in place during the COVID-19 pandemic both to protect clients and staff and you should have received communications from us regarding this.


It is also appreciated that you will no doubt be following guidelines too – with frequent hand washing and the 2 metre ‘social distancing’ observed alongside the following:


  • Your own routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces (e.g. telephones, keyboards, door handles, desks and tables).

  • Promote hand hygiene by making sure that staff, contractors, service users and visitors have access to hand washing facilities and where available alcohol-based hand rub.

  • Ensure any crockery and cutlery in shared kitchen areas is cleaned with warm general-purpose detergent and dried thoroughly before being stored for re-use.

Of course, we will certainly do our part in supporting you in all these areas too.

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